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Working with Charlee Wild, a world renowned wildlife photographer we were looking to create experiences that really stood out and gave a chance to first hand see the amazing work that charities are doing on the front line of wildlife protection in Africa. Working closely with the Endangered Wildlife Trust allowed us to create a programme specifically for our guests on this experience, without draining time or resources for the Endangered Wildlife Trust which we were very careful of avoiding. Working with charities is a brilliant way for create an exciting trip that stands out for guests but also helps bring life long partnerships to their community. 

On Charlee’s experience we met a carnivore expert Grant Beverley who is a senior member of the EWT Carnivore Conservation Programme. As an group we then went out into various areas to track packs of collared Wild Dogs, which are one of the most Endangered carnivores in Africa second to the Ethiopian Wolf, and the following day we roamed around the beautiful Dinokeng Game Reserve which has the potential to become a model for future conservation where people and wild animals live in harmony. And it is on the way to prove itself as an example for successful transformation with so far more than 800 permanent jobs created for people living in the adjoining communities. 

Since running successful trips to Endangered Wildlife Trust, we have raised thousands for their brilliant work, created stunning content to help them tell their stories further and given communities around the world first hand access to see the work they’re doing every single day.

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